


The Fallen Knights Event


------------Author: Joanette the Reliable------------

Fallen Knights is an alliance event activated by a r4/r5. The Knights spawn from barbarian camps and attack in twenty waves. Each wave increases in difficulty and likewise increases the number of points you and your alliance receive. Alliance points scale based on the number of strongholds in the alliance that win each attack. Individual points are based on the defense of your stronghold and reinforcements you have sent out.

The goal is to kill at least 50% of the attackers per wave to win. If your stronghold is defeated twice you will no longer be attacked or gain points for your alliance; however, you can reinforce others to gain individual points. The Knights will attack your fortress instead of strongholds in waves 10 and 20. Reinforcing this building as an alliance is key to winning these waves.

The Fallen Knights Event runs opposite Gold Event week on Tuesday and Thursday and rewards are handed out at 12:30 UTC on Wednesday and Friday.

Not every stronghold will be attacked every time. In Rounds 7, 14, and 17 the knights rally random strongholds and reinforcing those allies will keep them from losing which helps with the alliance and individual points.