


Dragon's Christmas Gift!


The Dragon Family is also prepared for the coming of Christmas!

The Dragon Chest is opened now, for this time, the strongest lords will be gifted with a legendary stronghold, which witnesses the friendship between King Arthur and Dragon Family——

Arthur's Watch Stronghold!

When Excalibur is held by King Arthur,

The Dragred breathes, the flames surging.

The snow and ice covered stronghold melt away,

and hero souls have eventually awoke.

Santa Claus also joins the Dragon's gift sending party——

He appears on the world map, lords who visit him will get Faded Dragon Chest Key.

Meanwhile, Santa Claus will also be recruited as a Legendary Hero to join the battle against the evil invasion.

Participate in the Dragon Chest event and when you get a certain number of points, you can obtain Treasure Chests which contain the fragments of Hero Santa Claus.

Let's join the Dragon's Christmas Celebration!

Event Duration: 2019.12.24 - 2019.12.28