


Easter Celebration Guide


Easter is coming, and a great celebration will soon begin in Avalon. Read this guide to find out more!

Easter Decoration

Duration: April 1 - April 15

The Easter Bunny has decided to stay in your Stronghold for a while, and he's covered it in Chocolate eggs!

Easter Event

Duration: April 1 - April 5

The mischievous Easter Bunny has hidden a lot of Chocolate Eggs are your Stronghold! Can you find them all?

Gather Resources, kill Monsters and Barbarians for a chance to obtain Easter Eggs (various qualities). Open them to get great rewards!

Easter Lily

Duration: April 5 - April 11

Enjoy the blessings of Easter with this beautiful lily event!

Kill Monsters, rally against Barbarian Camps and gather Resources to earn a Lily that you can exchange for great rewards in the Lily Shop. Join the [Golden Hare] event or purchase bundles to win a Chocolate Bunny that can be exchanged for great rewards in the Rabbit Nest.

Golden Hare

Duration: April 5 - April 11

The Easter Bunny has organized some quests. Complete them and the Easter Bunny will reward you!

The Kingdom Bunny

Duration: April 9 - April 14

There are few creatures more beloved than rabbits, the Lady of the Lake's treasured pets. All Lords can send gifts to the Bunny and help it grow. In return they'll receive blessings from the Lady of the Lake.