


Get Ready for a Party!


What do you think of when you see balloons and candy?

That's right! A celebration is coming!

The years of battle in Avalon are flying fast, we are about to step into our 5th year. Now it's time for celebration again, are you ready to celebrate the memory of great battles won and lost with your fellow Lords from across the Kingdoms?

Flying Wish

Event Duration: June 3 - June 9

Free the Balloons to be granted Wishes! Complete quests to earn magnificent rewards!

Grand Ceremony

Event Duration: June 3 - June 9

Exchange Balloons and Candy for your favorite gifts!

During the event, kill Monsters, rally Barbarian Camps and gather Resources to earn Sweet Candy that you can exchange for great rewards in the Sweets Shop.

Join the Flying Wish event or purchase bundles to win Balloons that can be exchanged for great rewards in the Wishes Shop. Join the Party!