


Lunar New Year Celebrations - Chapter 2


Date: February 10th, 2021

Location: Lord's City

Event: Lunar Blessing, Azure Gallery

On the Lunar New Year's Eve, all of Avalon readies itself to welcome the coming of a new Lunar Year!

To celebrate this special moment, the Chinese Knot and Spring Lantern become the most important items in the land, representing fortune and health.

Azure Gallery

The collection of the Frost Dragon has been revealed to our Lords. Join the event and exchange for exclusive festival skins. Dress up in your Lunar New Year costumes now!

Note: The event package will be refreshed at 00:00 UTC every day.

Lunar Blessing

During the event, kill Monsters, rally Barbarian Camps, and gather resources to earn Chinese Knots that you can exchange for amazing rewards in the Fortune Shop.

Join the Lantern Bazaar event or purchase Bundles to win Spring Lanterns that can be exchanged for incredible rewards in the Lunar Shop.

Event Duration: February 10th - February 16th